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Hey! So Glad You're Here.

Welcome to the online home of Smoke Rise Dachshunds!  We are a family of five residing in beautiful Stone Mountain, Georgia with our hounds.  We participate in American Kennel Club dog shows with our pets and occasionally breed a litter to produce our next champion and beautiful family pets for others.  We breed for stable and loving temperaments while keeping the true nature of the Dachshund intact.  

The Dachshund as described in the official standard recognized by the American Kennel Club is "clever, lively and courageous to the point of rashness, perservering in above and below-ground work, with all the senses well-developed."We breed as close to the written standard as we can and our dogs have never disappointed us.  Pedigrees and breeding partners are carefully thought out with the utmost attention paid to our dams as they are the backbone of any program. 

Our puppies are raised using many of the Puppy Culture protocols, and have had great success when transitioning to their new homes because it.  Our puppies do not leave our care until a minimum of four months of age.   We do this to ensure they have plenty of time with mom, our pack and with us.  We have found that puppies are more ready to accept new environments, new people and new dogs if they've had plenty of time to develop their own personalities and move through certain stages of growth including fear periods that all puppies go through.  Careful shaping and molding during the first twelve weeks of life, combined with wonderful temperament creates loving family companions.  

So, please enjoy our site and photos and contact us with any questions.  We would love to talk to you. 


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